SQABasic "ApplicationUtilities" Library


 Routines to work with applications that SQARobot needs to launch, use,
 or terminate.  This library also provides comprehensive support for tracking
 status as tests execute.

 The framework now implements two types of status counters.

  1) Traditional, framework-defined, global counters at each test level tracking
     the status of ongoing tests for each level.  Test results from lower levels
     are rolled up into higher level counters.  Thus, a STEP level counter
     will contain the status for itself.  These results will also roll up into
     the calling SUITE.  The SUITE will have the sum of all the STEP tests it
     called plus any results from local driver commands and non-STEP level
     execution.  These SUITE results will also roll up into the calling CYCLE.
     The CYCLE will have the sum of all the SUITE tests it called plus any
     results from local driver commands and non-SUITE level execution.
     That means the CYCLE level tracking has the sum of all test results.

     All of this tracking is done via AUStatusInfo storage with separate
     Global counters for each test table at time of execution.

     CycleDriver Storage
     SuiteDriver Storage
     StepDriver Storage

     Of course, it is a little more complicated than that due to the reentrant
     capabilities of the framework and, thus, the use of stacks.

  2)  Innumerable, user-named counters we will call "private counters".
      These counters are created and initialized at the discretion
      of the user.  They can be named, configured, started, stopped, reset,
      stored, output, and deleted as desired to track different kinds of
      status information.  Each such counter is completely independent of
      any other counter.

 Among many other supporting routines, these are often used in conjunction
 with status tracking:

      AUVariableStoreStatusInfo to store status values in DDVariables.
      LULogStatusInfo to output status values to logs.

 Status tracking can also be suspended or resumed as necessary.

Declarations Constants Global Variables User-Defined Types Routine Details

User Dependencies:

(stuff the developer's library/script $INCLUDES at compile time.)
(Note: The order of items may matter and may be different for your code.)

Internal Dependencies:

(stuff this library needs at compile time.)

Exported Declarations

Function AUGetApplicationIndex   BasicLib ApplicationUtilities 
Function AULaunchApplication     BasicLib ApplicationUtilities 
   Sub   AUTerminateAllApps      BasicLib ApplicationUtilities 
Function AUDeleteApplicationIndex  BasicLib ApplicationUtilities 
Function AUTerminateStoredApp    BasicLib ApplicationUtilities 
Function AUSetCurrentAppMap      BasicLib ApplicationUtilities 
Function AUGetCurrentAppMap      BasicLib ApplicationUtilities 
   Sub   AUCopyStatusInfo        BasicLib ApplicationUtilities 
   Sub   AUCopyGUIInfo           BasicLib ApplicationUtilities 
   Sub   AUSumStatusInfo         BasicLib ApplicationUtilities 
   Sub   AUDifStatusInfo         BasicLib ApplicationUtilities 
   Sub   AUClearStatusInfo       BasicLib ApplicationUtilities 
   Sub   AUClearGUIInfo          BasicLib ApplicationUtilities 
   Sub   AUIncrementStatusCounters  BasicLib ApplicationUtilities 
   Sub   AUIncrementTestFailures  BasicLib ApplicationUtilities 
   Sub   AUIncrementTestWarnings  BasicLib ApplicationUtilities 
   Sub   AUIncrementTestPasses   BasicLib ApplicationUtilities 
   Sub   AUIncrementGeneralFailures  BasicLib ApplicationUtilities 
   Sub   AUIncrementGeneralSuccesses  BasicLib ApplicationUtilities 
   Sub   AUIncrementGeneralWarnings  BasicLib ApplicationUtilities 
   Sub   AUIncrementIOFailures   BasicLib ApplicationUtilities 
   Sub   AUIncrementSkippedRecords  BasicLib ApplicationUtilities 
Function AUGetStatusCounterIndex  BasicLib ApplicationUtilities 
Function AUSetStatusCounterMode  BasicLib ApplicationUtilities 
Function AUStartStatusCounter    BasicLib ApplicationUtilities 
Function AUStopStatusCounter     BasicLib ApplicationUtilities 
Function AUResetStatusCounter    BasicLib ApplicationUtilities 
   Sub   AUDeleteStatusCounter   BasicLib ApplicationUtilities 
Function AUGetStatusCounterStatus  BasicLib ApplicationUtilities 
   Sub   AUVariableStoreStatusInfo  BasicLib ApplicationUtilities 
   Sub   AUSuspendStatusCounting  BasicLib ApplicationUtilities 
   Sub   AUResumeStatusCounting  BasicLib ApplicationUtilities 


'STATUS values for AUIncrementStatusCounters and CustomStatusUtilities

Const AU_TEST_PASS       = 0
Const AU_TEST_WARNING    = 1
Const AU_TEST_FAILURE    = 2
Const AU_GENERAL_PASS    = 3
Const AU_IO_FAILURE      = 7

'STATUSMODE 1 thru 200 reserved
'MODES 3 thru 100 are future modes
'MODES 101 thru 200 are MODES 1 thru 100 with temporary, one-time skip (mode+100) enabled
'Negative values represent temporarily suspended (stop counting) modes.


Global AUCurrentAppMap       As String      'path to appmap in current use
                                            '08/07/2001  Historically, READ ONLY!
                                            '    AUSetCurrentAppMap  
                                            '    AUGetCurrentAppMap  
                                            'for this value.  
                                            'AUCurrentAppMap will be going away.

'these two Globals below are set by StepDriver, SuiteDriver, or CycleDriver to
'pass their information onto a script that is being called.  In this way, 
'a script can get needed information and set status regardless of which
'driver called it.  The script should immediately get the contents of these 
'with since they are only temporary in nature.  
'If the script is going to launch more data driven tests, then it should not
'update or change any of the information in these structures.  The data driven
'tests will do that.
'If the script is NOT going to launch data driven tests, then it can update
'and add to status information in the ScriptStatusInfo.

Global ScriptGUIInfo         AS AUGUIInfo   'temp store for scripts to copy
                                            'on entry so they can use the
                                            'data for their own purposes.

Global ScriptStatusInfo     As AUStatusInfo 'temp store for scripts to copy
                                            'on entry so they can use the 
                                            'data to record test results and
                                            'other status information                                            

User-Defined Types

'                       Info stored for apps launched by AULaunchApplication
Type AUApplicationInfo

    appname     As String       'Ex: CFO Vision
    fullpath    As String       'Ex: c:\cfo3\cfo.exe
    defaultdir  As String       'Ex: c:\cfo3  OR ""
    commandline As String       'Ex: -this value -that value -others OR ""
    taskid      As Long         'returned by SHELL command (if used) -1 or 0 if invalid
    appmappath  As String       'Ex: c:\sqa7\cfo3\cfo3.map  OR ""
End Type

'                    App Status information used by external Libraries
Type AUStatusInfo

    successes     As Long        'count of all successes (passed)
    warnings      As Long        'count of all warnings
    general_failures As Long     'count of all general failures
    IO_failures   As Long        'count of all IO failures
    test_passes   As Long        'count of passed test records only
    test_warnings As Long        'count of warnings of test records only
    test_failures As Long        'count of failures of test records only
    'note record counts do not include comment lines
    test_records    As Long      'count of total test records only
    skipped_records As Long      'count of total skipped records
    total_records   As Long      'count of total records
    filename  As String             'filename of the test table OR private counterID.
    linecount As Integer            'running line count of the file.  Also reserved, 
                                    'but not yet used by private counters.
    mode      As Integer            'mode driver is running in OR private counter mode.
    level     As String             'CYCLE,SUITE, OR STEP set by drivers. Also reserved, 
                                    'but not yet used by private counters
End Type

'                   Used by StepDriver and other App Driver Utilities
Type AUGUIInfo

    fileref     As Integer      'assigned from file OPEN statement
    filename    As String       'same as in StepInfo.lincount
    linenumber  As Integer      'line# in file for this test step
    inputrecord As String       'the file record for this test step
    separator   As String       'RecordFieldSeparator to use on record
    recordType  As String       'UCASE$ RecordType stored for this record
    windowname  As String       'appmap WINDOWNAME of window for this test step
    windowGUIName As String     'actual name given window by developer (if any)
    windowGUIID As String       'retrieved recognition method for the window
    compname    As String       'appmap COMPONENTNAME of component for this test step
    compGUIName As String       'actual name given component by developer (if any)
    compGUIID   As String       'retrieved recognition method for the component
    compFULLID  As String       'complete GUIID all the way to desktop
    compType    As String       'the retrieved components Type
    compClass   As String       'the retrieved components Class
    compModule  As String       'the retrieved components EXE or DLL source
    environment As String       'the retrieved components Environment (Java, etc..)
    compHandle  As Variant      'comp (hWnd) handle if available
    testcommand As String       'the action command field from the input record
    fac         As LogFacility  'where messages should be logged
    statuscode  As Integer      'status code set by external procedures
    statusinfo  As String       'additional info relating to certain status codes like BRANCH_TO_BLOCKID

End Type

Routine Details

  Function AUGetApplicationIndex (appname As String) As Integer


      Locate the current index of the AUApplicationInfo we created at the
      time a particular application was launched using the
      AULaunchApplication command.

      Externally, this can only be used to verify that a particular
      AUApplicationInfo is valid and still exists.


       appname    String used to reference the application provided to
                  AULaunchApplication when it was launched.
                  This comparison is case-INsensitive.


       N  index of the AUApplicationStore for this appname
      -1 on failure or no appname match found



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: AUG 25, 1999

      AUG 25, 1999    Original Release
      JUN 27, 2000    (Carl Nagle) ApplicationStore is NO longer Global.

  Function AULaunchApplication (appname As String, apppath    As String, _
                                appdir  As String, appcommand As String _
                                appmap  As String) As Integer


      Launch an application based upon the provided parameters and store the
      information into internal storage for general reference.

      The application and associated information can later be referenced
      merely by the appname provided at the time of launch.


      appname     String used to reference the application.  This is used
                  in subsequent calls to other routines in this library to
                  identify which application is being referenced.

      apppath     relative or explicit path to the application so that it
                  will be found for the system.  If the ENVIRONMENT variable
                  already contains sufficient PATH information then only the
                  filename.ext need be provided.

      appdir      default directory to provide to the application.  In most cases
                  this is not needed and should be "".  With "" the launch will
                  occur using the Shell command and a PROCESSID is returned.  With
                  this PROCESSID we can terminate the app later if necessary.

                  If a default directory other than "" is provided then the launch
                  will occur using the ShellExecute command.  This will NOT return
                  a PROCESSID for the application.  Thus, we will not be able to
                  terminate the application later if necessary.

      appcommand  command line parameters for the application.

      appmap      path to an application map for the application.
                  The app map is normally stored within the repository.
                  You can provide a full explicit path to the map, but this is less
                  portable across computers.
                  Preferrably, provide a path relative to the active repository or
                  the project within the repository.  This is more portable across
                  hosts. (see FindSQAFile for more
                  info on specifying this relative path.)


       N  temporarily valid index of the AUApplicationStore for this application.
          (Externally, this can only be used to indicate success.)

      -1 on general failure of the routine.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: AUG 25, 1999

      AUG 25, 1999    Original Release
      APR 25, 2000    (Carl Nagle) Error trapping added

  Sub AUTerminateAllApps ()


      Terminates apps that have been launched by this Utility.
      Only apps that were opened with the Shell command version of
      AULaunchApplication can be terminated.
      All others will have to be terminated some other way.

      This is NOT a gracefull shutdown but instead invokes the WIN32
      TerminateProcess function.

      Upon exit the appinfo storage array will be cleared.





 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: AUG 25, 1999

      AUG 25, 1999    Original Release

  Function AUDeleteApplicationIndex ( index as Integer) As Integer


      Deletes a stored application at the appinfo index provided.
      Only apps that were opened with AULaunchApplication can be "deleted".
      Normally a developer would not call this routine directly.  This
      routine is automatically called by the AUTerminateStoredApp routine.
      Thus, the developer should not have to call it.

      Upon exit the app info will no longer be present in the appinfo storage array.


      index       the index of the app to delete from the store.


       0 on success
      -1 on invalid index provided



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: OCT 18, 2002

      OCT 18, 2002    Original Release

  Function AUTerminateStoredApp ( appname as String) As Integer


      Terminates a stored app that was launched by this Utility.
      Only apps that were opened with the Shell command version of
      AULaunchApplication can be terminated.
      All others will have to be terminated some other way.

      This is NOT a gracefull shutdown but instead invokes the WIN32
      TerminateProcess function.

      Upon exit the app will no longer be present in the appinfo storage array.


      appname     the named reference for the app to terminate.  This name
                  must match that give to AULaunchApplication when it was


       0 on success
      -1 on failure to identify the app in storage
      -2 if no TASKID provided in storage (not retrievable at launch).
      -3 if app not successfully removed from appinfo storage.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: OCT 18, 2002

      OCT 18, 2002    Original Release

  Function AUSetCurrentAppMap (reference As String) As String


      Sets the active AppMap to the one provided.  It uses FindSQAFile
      to locate the full path to the file provided if it is not already a
      full path specification. You CAN provide a full explicit path to the
      map, but this is less portable across computers.

      Preferrably, provide a path relative to the active repository or the
      project within the repository.  This is more portable across hosts.
      (see FindSQAFile for more info
       on specifying this relative path.)

      Additionally, you may specify to use the AppMap stored with a specific
      Application merely by referencing the name given that application at
      the time it was launched by the AULaunchApplication command.


      reference   a full or relative path to the Application map to use.
                  (see FindSQAFile for more
                  information on how to use the relative path.
                  The relative path is preferred for portability across
                  runtime hosts.

                  Better yet, you can also merely specify the appname you wish
                  to reference and the current app map will be set to that
                  provided with the application when it was launched.

                  If reference is "" then we will try to use any setting that
                  currently exists for AUCurrentAppMap.


      String      The full path to the found app map  OR
                  "" if the map was not found or some other error occurred.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: AUG 25, 1999

      AUG 25, 1999    Original Release
      DEC 07, 2006    (Carl Nagle) Added direct STAF support to bypass DDVariableStore.DLL

  Function AUGetCurrentAppMap () As String


      Retrieves the active AppMap path. Also sets AUCurrentAppMap Global.




      String      The full path to the current app map  OR
                  "" if the map was not found or some other error occurred.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: AUG 07, 2001

      AUG 07, 2001    Original Release
      DEC 07, 2006    (Carl Nagle) Added direct STAF support to bypass DDVariableStore.DLL

  Sub AUCopyStatusInfo (source As AUStatusInfo, target As AUStatusInfo)


  Copy the contents of one AUStatusInfo into the other.
  Overwrites any preexisting contents.


      source  AUStatusInfo to copy from.
      target  AUStatusInfo to copy to.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: JUL 11, 2000

      JUL 11, 2000    Original Release
      JUN 21, 2001    (Carl Nagle) Added Level to StatusInfo UDT.

  Sub AUCopyGUIInfo (source As AUGUIInfo, target As AUGUIInfo)


  Copy the contents of one AUGUIInfo into the other.
  Overwrites any preexisting contents.


      source  AUGUIInfo to copy from.
      target  AUGUIInfo to copy to.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: JUL 11, 2000

      JUL 11, 2000    Original Release
      FEB 07, 2006    (Carl Nagle) Added GUIInfo.statusinfo support

  Sub AUSumStatusInfo (source As AUStatusInfo, target As AUStatusInfo)


  Sum the status counts from the source AUStatusInfo with the target.
  Summation results overwrite preexisting status counts in the target.
  Note: the .linecount field is not summed or modified since this is
  a linecounter for file access and not considered a test statistic.


      source  AUStatusInfo statistics to add to target statistics.
      target  AUStatusInfo to sum with source and retain results.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: JUL 11, 2000

      JUL 11, 2000    Original Release

  Sub AUDifStatusInfo (source As AUStatusInfo, target As AUStatusInfo)


  Subtract the status counts of the source AUStatusInfo from the target.
  Difference results overwrite preexisting status counts in the source.
  Note: the .linecount field is not summed or modified since this is
  a linecounter for file access and not considered a test statistic.


      source  AUStatusInfo statistics to subtract from target statistics
              and retain the results.

      target  AUStatusInfo statistics to subtract from.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: JUL 11, 2000

      JUL 11, 2000    Original Release

  Sub AUClearStatusInfo (source As AUStatusInfo)


  Clear all counters in the provided StatusInfo (set to 0).  This is the
  status information only.  The linecount is not set to 0.


      source  AUStatusInfo to clear (set all status counts to 0)
              (This does NOT set the linecount to 0.)



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: JAN 18, 2001

      JAN 18, 2001    Original Release

  Sub AUClearGUIInfo (source As AUGUIInfo)


  Clear all numeric elements to 0 and string to empty strings with a couple

      .compHandle is set to -1
      .statuscode is set to DDU_SCRIPT_NOT_EXECUTED
      .fac LogFacility is NOT modified


      source  AUGUIInfo to clear



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: JUN 29, 2001

      JUN 29, 2001    Original Release
      FEB 07, 2006    (Carl Nagle) Added GUIInfo.statusinfo support

  Sub AUIncrementStatusCounters (statusInfo As AUStatusInfo, status as Integer)


  Increment all enabled status counters by 1 according to the input status.
  This includes the total records count AND the test records count by 1 where

  The routine will also call the "hook" for custom status counting.
  The hook will not generally bypass existing status tracking.  It will
  allow the end-user to implement their own means of status tracking.


      statusInfo  AUStatusInfo provided from other AUIncrement routines.
                  We are not incrementing this AUStatusInfo.  Instead, we may
                  reference fields such as .filename or .level
                  Otherwise, this parameter is not used, but will be passed on
                  to the CustomStatusUtilities.

      status      The status type to increment.  Valid values are defined in
                  the CONSTANTS section.  For example: AU_TEST_FAILURE,
                  AU_TEST_PASS, etc..
                  Unrecognized status values are ignored.  They are passed
                  on to the custom hook, though.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: JUL 01, 2002

      JUL 01, 2002    Original Release

  Sub AUIncrementTestFailures (source As AUStatusInfo)


  Increment the test failure count in the provided StatusInfo by 1.
  This also increments the total records count AND the test records count by 1.


      source  AUStatusInfo to increment test failure, test records, and
              total record counts.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: JAN 18, 2001

      JAN 18, 2001    Original Release

  Sub AUIncrementTestWarnings (source As AUStatusInfo)


  Increment the test warnings count in the provided StatusInfo by 1.
  This also increments the total records count AND the test records count by 1.


      source  AUStatusInfo to increment test warnings, test records, and
              total record counts.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: JAN 18, 2001

      JAN 18, 2001    Original Release

  Sub AUIncrementTestPasses (source As AUStatusInfo)


  Increment the test passes count in the provided StatusInfo by 1.
  This also increments the total records count AND the test records count by 1.


      source  AUStatusInfo to increment test passes, test records, and
              total record counts.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: JAN 18, 2001

      JAN 18, 2001    Original Release

  Sub AUIncrementGeneralFailures (source As AUStatusInfo)


  Increment the general failures count in the provided StatusInfo by 1.
  This also increments the total records count by 1.
  General failures are failures that occur other than test failures.
  Such as problems in script execution or some other step that is not
  officially categorized as a test.

  The opposite of a general failure is a success.


      source  AUStatusInfo to increment general failures, and
              total record counts.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: JAN 18, 2001

      JAN 18, 2001    Original Release

  Sub AUIncrementIOFailures (source As AUStatusInfo)


  Increment the IO failures count in the provided StatusInfo by 1.
  This also increments the total records count by 1.


      source  AUStatusInfo to increment IO failures, and
              total record counts.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: JAN 18, 2001

      JAN 18, 2001    Original Release

  Sub AUIncrementSkippedRecords (source As AUStatusInfo)


  Increment the skipped records count in the provided StatusInfo by 1.
  This also increments the total records count by 1.


      source  AUStatusInfo to increment skipped records, and
              total record counts.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: JAN 18, 2001

      JAN 18, 2001    Original Release

  Sub AUIncrementGeneralSuccesses (source As AUStatusInfo)


  Increment the general successes count in the provided StatusInfo by 1.
  This also increments the total records count by 1.
  These are execution successes that are NOT test records.

  For example, we might increment the successes and total records counter
  at the successful execution of the script.  Not that any tests in the
  script passed or failed, but that we were able to find and execute the
  script.  The actual pass and failure of tests will be counted in the
  test record counters.

  The opposite of this kind of success is a general failure.


      source  AUStatusInfo to increment general successes, and
              total record counts.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: JAN 18, 2001

      JAN 18, 2001    Original Release

  Sub AUIncrementGeneralWarnings (source As AUStatusInfo)


  Increment the record warnings count in the provided StatusInfo by 1.
  This also increments the total records count by 1.
  These are execution warnings that are NOT test records.

  We might increment the warnings and total records counter
  at the failure of locating something or deleting something that we know
  might not be there.  An example of this is giving the command to close
  a window and then testing to see that it has closed.  This test should first
  locate the window and then loop until it disappears.  However, the window
  may have already closed before we could go out and look for it.  In that
  case, we would issue a warning saying the window we were suppose to watch
  close was never found in the first place.


      source  AUStatusInfo to increment general warnings, and
              total record counts.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: JAN 18, 2001

      JAN 18, 2001    Original Release

  Function AUGetStatusCounterIndex(counterID as String, Optional automode) As Integer


      Locate the index of the status counter whose name matches counterID.
      If no match is found, then auto-create a new status counter with the
      provided counterID name (unless the optional automode = -1).

      Any auto-created counter is set with mode = 1; log all status info.

      There really is no external, public use for this function other
      than to verify the existence of a particular named status counter.


      counterID   String name of the counter to locate/create.

      automode    Optional. Set to -1 to disallow the auto-create feature of
                  this function.  With auto-create disabled we will not
                  create a new counter if no counterID match is found.
                  By default, auto-create is enabled and this parameter is
                  not needed.


       0 to N     Index of the status counter whose name matches counterID.
                  This can be a brand new counter if it did not exist.

      -1          Empty counterID, error, or no match found and auto-create



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: JUL 01, 2002

      JUL 01, 2002    Original Release

  Function AUSetStatusCounterMode(counterID as String, mode As Integer) As Integer


      Locate the status counter whose name matches counterID.
      If no match is found, then auto-create a new status counter with the
      provided counterID name.  Then set the counter mode to the provided


      counterID   String name of the counter to locate/create.

           mode   0 :(undefined-no counts-empty counter) will likely be set
                     to 1 or -1 on certain calls if counterID is not empty.
                     For example, a call to AUStartStatusCounter with a
                     counter whose mode=0 will have that mode set to 1.
                     A subsequent call to AUStopStatusCounter will have
                     the mode set to -1.

                     Normal counting operations will skip counters when
                     mode=0.  They assume these are empty, unassigned

                  1 :(default) count all types of available status info.

                  2 :track only STEP level test counts and status. Private
                     counters with this mode will only count status when the
                     statusInfo provided to AUIncrementStatusCounters has
                     the value DDU_STEP_TEST_LEVEL stored in statusInfo.level.
                     This statusInfo.level value is automatically set by
                     StepDriver during test execution of STEP level tables.
                     You do not normally have to worry or set statusInfo.level
                     unless you are sending your own custom instances of
                     statusInfos through these routines.
                     (And why would you do that?!)

                  3 to 200  Reserved for future use.
                  Other positive values may be used for custom extensions.

                +100 :Set the counter mode to a valid mode (1 to 100) and
                      add 100 to bypass a single status count.  This is
                      generally set by the engine via a DriverCommand that is
                      creating or modifying a counter. The idea is that we may
                      not want the DriverCommand counter creation/modification
                      recorded within the counter itself.  This feature will
                      only recognize values of 101 - 200.

                 -N :(stopped) do not increment counter.
                     The absolute value of the mode is that counter mode
                     that will be used when status counting is allowed to

                     For example, a mode=-2 will revert to mode=2 when
                     AUStartStatusCounter is called for this status counter.


       0          Exited normally.

      -1          Empty counterID or some other error.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: JUL 01, 2002

      JUL 01, 2002    Original Release

  Function AUStartStatusCounter(counterID as String) As Integer


      Locate the status counter whose name matches counterID.
      If no match is found, then auto-create a new status counter with the
      provided counterID name.

      Any auto-created counter is set with mode = 1; log all status info.

      If mode=0 (undefined), then set it to mode=1; log all status info.
      Otherwise, just enable the preset counter mode.


      counterID   String name of the counter to (re)enable status counting.


       0          Exited normally.

      -1          Empty counterID or some other error.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: JUL 01, 2002

      JUL 01, 2002    Original Release

  Function AUStopStatusCounter(counterID as String) As Integer


      Locate the status counter whose name matches counterID.
      If no match is found, then auto-create a new status counter with the
      provided counterID name.

      Any auto-created counter is set with mode = -1; allowed to count all
      status info, but currently suspended.

      If mode=0 (undefined), then set it to mode=-1; allowed to count all
      status info, but currently suspended.
      Otherwise, just suspend the preset counter mode.


      counterID   String name of the counter to suspend status counting.


       0          Exited normally.

      -1          Empty counterID or some other error.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: JUL 01, 2002

      JUL 01, 2002    Original Release

  Function AUResetStatusCounter(counterID as String) As Integer


      Locate the status counter whose name matches counterID.
      If no match is found, then auto-create a new status counter with the
      provided counterID name.

      Any auto-created counter is set with mode = 1; log all status info.

      Reset all counts to 0.  Leave other information, like mode, unmodified.


      counterID   String name of the counter to reset counts.


       0          Exited normally.

      -1          Empty counterID or some other error.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: JUL 01, 2002

      JUL 01, 2002    Original Release

  Sub AUDeleteStatusCounter (counterID As String)


      Locate the status counter whose name matches counterID and delete it.


      counterID   String name of the counter to delete.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: JUL 01, 2002

      JUL 01, 2002    Original Release

  Function AUGetStatusCounterStatus (counterID as String,
                                     statusInfo as AUStatusInfo) As Integer


      Locate the status counter whose name matches counterID.
      If no match is found, then auto-create a new status counter with the
      provided counterID name.

      Any auto-created counter is set with mode = 1; log all status info.

      Copy the current counts, name, mode, etc. into the provided AUStatusInfo.
      The true counter still remains.  The filled statusInfo contains just
      a snapshot of the current state.

      The AUStatusInfo fields contain the following information in addition
      to all the status counts:

          statusInfo.filename  = the counter's counterID/name
          statusInfo.mode      = the counter's mode
          statusInfo.level     = (future) should be "" (empty)
          statusInfo.linecount = (future) should be 0

      This routine is often used in conjunction with these related routines:

          AUVariableStoreStatusInfo to store status values in DDVariables.
          LULogStatusInfo to output status values to logs.


      counterID   String name of the counter to snapshot.

      statusInfo  An AUStatusInfo to receive a snapshot of the current status.


       0          Exited normally.

      -1          Empty counterID or some other error.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: JUL 01, 2002

      JUL 01, 2002    Original Release

  Sub AUVariableStoreStatusInfo(statusInfo as AUStatusInfo, basename as String)


      Takes all data members of the provided statusInfo and stores them in
      DDVariables for use by scripts, driver or test commands, or other

      Each member is stored in a separate variable as a pseudo-child of the
      provided variable basename.  Thus, this routine does not store any
      value in a DDVariable with the provided basename.  It only uses
      the basename as the prefix, along with a period (.), to form the full
      variable name of each new variable.

      Example showing statusInfo elements stored with a basename of
      "Regression".  While not shown, ALL the elements of the statusInfo
      will be stored and retrievable in this way.

      AUStatusInfo element                stored in DDVariable
      =============================       ===================================
      statusInfo.test_failures            Regression.test_failures
      statusInfo.total_records            Regression.total_records
      ...                                 ...
      statusInfo.level                    Regression.level


      statusInfo      AUStatusInfo to extract and store values from.

      basename        String basename to use in creating the DDVariables for
                      each statusInfo element.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: JUL 01, 2002

      JUL 01, 2002    Original Release

  Sub AUSuspendStatusCounting()


      Places ALL status incrementing on hold.  This includes Global and
      private status counters.  Of course, this only applies to status
      incrementing that occurs through this ApplicationUtilities library.





 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: JUL 01, 2002

      JUL 01, 2002    Original Release

  Sub AUResumeStatusCounting()


      Resumes normal status counting.  This includes Global and
      private status counters.  Of course, this only applies to status
      incrementing that occurs through this ApplicationUtilities library.

      Private counters that were enabled for incrementing will resume
      counting.  Private counters that were stopped prior to any SUSPEND
      will remain stopped.





 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: JUL 01, 2002

      JUL 01, 2002    Original Release

  Function IncrementInteger(ByRef target As Integer, Optional by As Integer) As Integer


      Increments an integer by the specified amount "safely".

      This function checks condition for integer overflow. Range of
      SQABasic Integer data type is -32,768 to 32,767. If the result after
      the increment is out of the range, it is maxed out at the boundary
      value, thus avoid the overflow runtime error.


      target  Integer value to increment.
      by      Optional. Amount to increment the target by. If omitted,
              target is incremented by 1.


      Integer value after increment.



 Orig Author: Yuesong Wang
 Orig   Date: MAY 07, 2003

      MAY 07, 2003    Original Release

  Function IncrementLong(ByRef target As Long, Optional by As Variant) As Long


      Increments a Long by the specified amount "safely".

      This function checks condition for long overflow. Range of
      SQABasic Integer data type is -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647. If the
      result after the increment is out of the range, it is maxed out at the
      boundary value, thus avoid the overflow runtime error.


      target  Long value to increment.
      by      Optional. Amount to increment the target by. If omitted,
              target is incremented by 1.


      Integer value after increment.



 Orig Author: Yuesong Wang
 Orig   Date: MAY 09, 2003

      MAY 09, 2003    Original Release

Copyright (C) SAS Institute
GNU General Public License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php 