SQABasic "DDDriverCommands" Library


 The documentation for each function is provided as reference for DDE users
 when developing DDE test tables.  This DDE format and syntax information IS
 intended for public use and does not normally change with the underlying code.

 The routines themselves are not intended for public use.
 Their internal functionality and their declaration prototypes
 are subject to change as deemed necessary to support the drivers
 mentioned above.

Declarations Constants Global Variables User-Defined Types Routine Details

User Dependencies:

(stuff the developer's library/script $INCLUDES at compile time.)
(Note: The order of items may matter and may be different for your code.)

Internal Dependencies:

(stuff this library needs at compile time.)

Exported Declarations

Function DDEDriverCommand        BasicLib DDDriverCommands 
Function DDESkippedRecord        BasicLib DDDriverCommands 
Function DDEProcessBlockID       BasicLib DDDriverCommands 
Function DDECallScript           BasicLib DDDriverFlowCommands 
Function DDEImpliedCallScript    BasicLib DDDriverCommands 
Function DDELocateBlockID        BasicLib DDDriverFlowCommands 

Routine Details

  Function DDEImpliedCallScript(scriptName as String,
                         guiInfo As AUGUIInfo,
                         statusInfo As AUStatusInfo
                        ) As Integer


      Invokes an automation tool script with the provided scriptName.
      If the script does NOT exist then the routine routes the record
      for Custom Record Type processing.

      The routine logs the start and end of the script and sets and receives
      the global ApplicationUtilities' ScriptGUIInfo and ScriptStatusInfo
      structures for the script.  It does this via the DDECallScript routine.

      An implied script invocation is when the record type of the current
      table is unrecognized.  When this happens the DDE assumes the record type
      field is actually the name of a tool script to be executed.  This, then, is
      actually an implied short version of the Driver Command  C,  CallScript

      However, if no such script exists, we check for the implementation
      of Custom Record Type.


      You should assign script arguments or parameters to DDVariables as shown in the
      example below.  You can simply retrieve the value of each variable using
      the DDVariableStore.DDVGetVariableValue routine.


      EnterNewUser   ^name.first=John   ^name.last=Smith   ^dept=BST   ^ext=x9999

      < continue with more table records >

      In the above example, "EnterNewUser" is the name of a valid Robot Script
      that will be executed.  The other fields are DDVariables that are set for
      use by the script and the rest of the DDE.

      See Using DDVariables for more information on this nifty capability!

      This routine is not intended for public use.
      Internal functionality and declaration prototypes
      are subject to change as deemed necessary to support the core drivers.


      scriptName      String name of the script to call. (no file extension)
      AUGUIInfo       from the calling Driver
      AUStatusInfo    from the calling Driver


      Returns DDU_SCRIPT_WARNING if no Script or matching CustomRecordType is found.
      Scripts or CustomRecordType processing should return the following values:

            DDU_NO_SCRIPT_FAILURE       = -1      'we DID process the record (failures may have been logged)
            DDU_SCRIPT_WARNING          = -2      'a process failure OR no Script/CustomRecordType match
            DDU_GENERAL_SCRIPT_FAILURE  = 0       'a general failure in the Script/CustomRecordType handling
            DDU_INVALID_FILE_IO         = 2       'an IO failure occurred

            DDU_SCRIPT_NOT_EXECUTED     = 4       'generally means noone tried to process the record
            DDU_EXIT_TABLE_COMMAND      = 8       'force immediate exit of current test table
            DDU_IGNORE_RETURN_CODE      = 16      'drivers ignore this one

      The routines for incrementing counters can be found in the ApplicationUtilities library.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: APR 23, 2001

      APR 23, 2001    Original Release
      FEB 01, 2002    (Carl Nagle) Added CustomRecordTypes

  Function DDESkippedRecord (guiInfo As AUGUIInfo, statusInfo As AUStatusInfo) As Integer


      Processes a SKIPPED RECORD from the InputRecord.
      This outputs a SKIPPED_TEST_MESSAGE with text retrieved from the 2nd
      field of the inputrecord.

      Field #1:   The SKIP_TEST_STEP (S).
      Field #2:   A comment to explain why (like a Defect # or failure info).
      Field #3-N: Normaly Fields 1-N moved over from the record being skipped.

      Normally, you would merely move pre-existing fields over by preceding
      them with these two fields (skipped test record type and its comment)
      so that the test can later be reinstituted by simply deleting these
      first two fields.

      A normal record NOT skipped:

         T  AFailingTest    ^param1=value   ^param2=value


         S  Defect:D12345   T   AFailingTest     ^param1=value   ^param2=value

      This routine is not intended for public use.
      Internal functionality and declaration prototypes
      are subject to change as deemed necessary to support the core drivers.


      AUGUIInfo       from the calling Driver
      AUStatusInfo    from the calling Driver


      Normally DDU_NO_SCRIPT_FAILURE unless something unforeseen causes the
      routine to exit prematurely.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: APR 19, 2001

      APR 19, 2001    Original Release

  Function DDEProcessBlockID (guiInfo As AUGUIInfo, statusInfo As AUStatusInfo) As Integer


      Process a BlockId record type from the InputRecord.

      Field #1:   The BLOCKID recordType (B).
      Field #2:   The user-defined text ID for this block.


         B   StartOfTest5

      By itself, there is no real processing of a BlockID.  However, the recordType
      is used to identify the target location used for many Error Recovery and
      Flow Control commands. See, DDDriverFlowCommands and
      Error Recovery and Flow Control.

      This routine is not intended for public use.
      Internal functionality and declaration prototypes
      are subject to change as deemed necessary to support the core drivers.


      AUGUIInfo       from the calling Driver
      AUStatusInfo    from the calling Driver


      Normally DDU_NO_SCRIPT_FAILURE unless something unforeseen causes the
      routine to exit prematurely.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: APR 19, 2001

      APR 19, 2001    Original Release
      FEB 04, 2003    (Carl Nagle) Updated documentation.

  Function DDEDriverCommand(guiInfo As AUGUIInfo, statusInfo As AUStatusInfo) As Integer


      Processes a DDE DRIVER COMMAND from the AUGUIInfo.InputRecord provided.
      Driver commands are not treated as test commands but instructions to
      the Drivers for setting parameters of the test environment, running
      other scripts, or other stuff (whatever gets in here).

      Different driver commands have different parameters as described below.
      For reference, the first fields are defined below:

      Field #1:   The "C" = DRIVER COMMAND.
      Field #2:   The Driver Command to execute. (see definitions below).


          c , SetApplicationMap , "AppMap.map"

      Parameters must be placed in the order specified.
      Parameters numbered in brackets are optional.
      However, to use an optional parameter which follows other optional
      parameters all the preceding parameters must exist or at least have
      field delimited space reserved for them.

         COMMAND         Fld# PARAMETER
      ==============      ====================================================
      Version             3 - VERSION string. Initially "1.0"

      Expressions         3 - "ON" or "OFF"

      SetBenchDirectory   Set/Change the directory in which the framework will
                          locate benchmark files by default.

                          3 - full or project relative path.
                              The path must already exist.  If the path is invalid
                              the previous setting will be retained (and logged).
                              any incomplete path will be assumed to be relative
                              to the current project directory.

                              Example path settings resolving to the same loc:

                              "C:\MyRepo\MyProject\AltPath\Bench"   or

      SetTestDirectory    Set/Change the directory in which the framework will
                          locate test files (captured "actuals") by default.

                          3 - full or project relative path.
                              The path must already exist.  If the path is invalid
                              the previous setting will be retained (and logged).
                              any incomplete path will be assumed to be relative
                              to the current project directory.

                              Example path settings resolving to the same loc:

                              "C:\MyRepo\MyProject\AltPath\Test"   or

      SetDifDirectory     Set/Change the directory in which the framework will
                          locate file compare differences.

                          3 - full or project relative path.
                              The path must already exist.  If the path is invalid
                              the previous setting will be retained (and logged).
                              any incomplete path will be assumed to be relative
                              to the current project directory.

                              Example path settings resolving to the same loc:

                              "C:\MyRepo\MyProject\AltPath\Dif"   or

      SetRootVerifyDirectory  Set/Change the Bench, Test, and Dif directories
                              to be subdirectories off of the provided path.

                          3 - full or project relative path.
                              The path must already exist.  If the path is invalid
                              the previous settings for Bench, Test, and Dif will
                              be retained and a FAILURE will be reported.  The
                              Bench, Test, and Dif subdirectories must also exist.

                              Any incomplete path will be assumed to be relative
                              to the current project directory.  It is important
                              to note that the provided path can be valid, yet
                              the expected "Bench", "Test", and "Dif" subdirectories
                              may not be valid.  In that scenario, no failure
                              will be reported, and the previous settings for
                              Bench, Test, and Dif will be retained (and logged).

                              Example path settings resolving to the same loc:

                              "C:\MyRepo\MyProject\AltPath"   or

      UseRobotJFunctions         3 - "ON" or "OFF"

      UseSAFSFunctions           3 - "ON" or "OFF"

      UseSeleniumFunctions       3 - "ON" or "OFF"

     SetVariableValues   3-N  Allows the presetting of multiple variable values.
                              Each field can contain one variable expression.
                              EX: ^var1=value, ^var2=value2, ^var3=^var1

     SetVariableValueEx  Allows the assignment of single variable value.
                         The primary purpose is to support the generation of dynamically
                         generated variablenames resulting from expressions.

                         3    Name of the variable
                         4    Value to assign to the specified variable

     CopyVariableValueEx  Allows the explicit copying the value of a (dynamic) variable to another.
                          This is primarily to dynamically generate variable names and then
                          assign them stored--possibly dynamic--values.

                         3    Name of the variable to copy
                         4    Name of the variable to receive the copy

      LaunchApplication   3 - Name to reference the application. Ex: CFO Vision
                          4 - pathname of file findable by the system running it.
                              This can be an ApplicationConstant in the AppMap in
                              place of an explicit string.

                         [5]- default directory for the application (may be "")
                              This can be an ApplicationConstant in the AppMap in
                              place of an explicit string.

                         [6]- command line parameters to use when launching
                              This can be an ApplicationConstant in the AppMap in
                              place of an explicit string.
                              AppParameters="-s -automation"

                         [7]- path to an application map for the application.
                              Providing the AppMap does not override any currently
                              active AppMap setting for the Driver.  You must explicitly
                              use a SetApplicationMap record for this purpose.

                        NOTE: We use the ApplicationUtilities AULaunchApplication
                              to actually run the app.  Consult that function for
                              more information on providing this parameter.

                        This command also supports:

                              CW - Command Warning OK (Expected Warning)
                              CF - Command Failure OK (Expected Failure)

      CloseApplication    3 - The name given the application at launch.
                              Currently we can only "terminate" app processes from
                              which LaunchApplication successfully retrieved a TASKID.

                          This command also supports:

                              CW - Command Warning OK (Expected Warning)
                              CF - Command Failure OK (Expected Failure)

      SetApplicationMap   3 - path filename to an application map to use

                        NOTE: We use the ApplicationUtilities AUSetCurrentAppMap
                              to actually set the current appmap.  Consult that
                              function for more information on providing this parameter.

      StartWebBrowser    [3]- Optional URL to load.

                         [4]- Optional Name (WindowTag) to identify the instance of the Browser.
                              If this field is provided then field 3 must be provided but
                              can be blank or empty ("").  You can provide the "WindowTag=" with
                              the Name, as in: "WindowTag=WebBrowser"; or you can provide just
                              the name, "WebBrowser".  This routine will insert the "WindowTag="
                              portion if it is not provided.

      WaitForWebPage     [3]- Optional WINDOW ID of the object to wait for.  Use the name
                              given the window in the Application map.
                         [4]- Optional COMPONENT ID of the object to wait for.  Use the
                              name given the component in the application map.  If field 3
                              is provided then this field is required.  This must be a
                              reference to an HTMLFrame, HTMLDocument or similar HTML component.
                         [5]- Optional maximum timeout in seconds to wait for the page
                              before failing. (Default is 30 seconds).  If this field is
                              provided then both fields 3 and 4 are required (but they
                              can be blank or empty ("").

                         This command also supports:

                              CW - Command Warning OK (Expected Warning)
                              CF - Command Failure OK (Expected Failure)

      Pause               3 - The number of seconds to pause execution.

      WaitForGUI          3 - The WINDOW ID of the object to wait for.  Use the name
                              given the window in the Application map.
                          4 - The COMPONENT ID of the object to wait for.  Use the
                              name given the component in the application map.  If the
                              window IS the object to wait for then both field 3 and 4
                              will be the same.
                         [5]- maximum timeout in seconds to wait for the GUI
                              before failing. (Default is 15 seconds)

                         This command also supports:

                              CW - Command Warning OK (Expected Warning)
                              CF - Command Failure OK (Expected Failure)

                  A standard "C" command will issue a WARNING status count if certain fields are
                  defaulted or if the GUI object is not found in the timeout period.

                  A "CW" command (WARNING EXPECTED\ALLOWED) may issue warning statements,
                  but will NOT issue a WARNING status count if the GUI object is not found
                  in the timeout period.

                  A "CF" command (EXPECTED FAILURE) will NOT issue a WARNING status count if
                  certain fields are defaulted or if the GUI object is not found in the timeout
                  period.  However, it WILL issue a FAILURE if the GUI object IS found
                  within the timeout period.

      WaitForGUIGone      3 - The WINDOW ID containing the object to disappear.
                              Use the name given the window in the Application map.
                          4 - The COMPONENT ID of the object to disappear.  Use the
                              name given the component in the application map.  If the
                              window IS the object to disappear then both field 3 and 4
                              will be the same.
                         [5]- maximum timeout in seconds to wait for the GUI to disappear
                              before failing. (Default is 15 seconds)

                         This command also supports:

                              CW - Command Warning OK (Expected Warning)
                              CF - Command Failure OK (Expected Failure)

                  A standard "C" command will issue a WARNING status count if the GUI object
                  is not located before it disapears or, once found, if it does not disappear
                  in the timeout period.

                  A "CW" command (WARNING EXPECTED\ALLOWED) may issue warning statements,
                  but will NOT issue a WARNING status count if the GUI object
                  is not located before it disapears or, once found, if it does not disappear
                  in the timeout period.

                  A "CF" command (EXPECTED FAILURE) will NOT issue a WARNING status count if
                  the GUI object is not located and disappears in the timeout
                  period.  However, it WILL issue a FAILURE if the GUI object DOES disappear
                  in the timeout period.

  WaitForPropertyValue    3 - The WINDOW ID of the object to wait for.  Use the name
                              given the window in the Application map.
                          4 - The COMPONENT ID of the object to wait for.  Use the
                              name given the component in the application map.  If the
                              window IS the object to wait for then both field 3 and 4
                              will be the same.
                          5 - The case-sensitive name of the property to test.

                          6 - The case-sensitive value of the property to watch for.

                         [7]- maximum timeout in seconds to wait for the GUI
                              before failing. (Default is 15 seconds)

                         This command also supports:

                              CW - Command Warning OK (Expected Warning)
                              CF - Command Failure OK (Expected Failure)

                  A standard "C" command will issue a WARNING status count if
                  the object property value is not found in the timeout period.

                  A "CW" command (WARNING EXPECTED\ALLOWED) may issue warning statements,
                  but will NOT issue a WARNING status count if the object property value is
                  not found in the timeout period.

                  A "CF" command (EXPECTED FAILURE) will NOT issue a WARNING status count if
                  the object property value is not found in the timeout
                  period.  However, it WILL issue a FAILURE if the property value IS found
                  within the timeout period.

 WaitForPropertyValueGone 3 - The WINDOW ID containing the object to disappear.
                              Use the name given the window in the Application map.
                          4 - The COMPONENT ID of the object to disappear.  Use the
                              name given the component in the application map.  If the
                              window IS the object to disappear then both field 3 and 4
                              will be the same.
                          5 - The case-sensitive name of the property to test.

                          6 - The case-sensitive value of the property to watch.

                         [7]- maximum timeout in seconds to wait for the GUI to disappear
                              before failing. (Default is 15 seconds)

                         This command also supports:

                              CW - Command Warning OK (Expected Warning)
                              CF - Command Failure OK (Expected Failure)

                  A standard "C" command will issue a WARNING status count if
                  the object property value does not disappear in the timeout period.

                  A "CW" command (WARNING EXPECTED\ALLOWED) may issue warning statements,
                  but will NOT issue a WARNING status count if the object property value does
                  not disappear in the timeout period.

                  A "CF" command (EXPECTED FAILURE) will NOT issue a WARNING status count if
                  the object property value does not disappear in the timeout
                  period.  However, it WILL issue a FAILURE if the property value DOES disappear
                  within the timeout period.

      SetFocus            3 - The WINDOW ID of the object to receive focus.  Use the name
                              given the window in the Application map.
                          4 - The COMPONENT ID of the object to receive focus.  Use the
                              name given the component in the application map.  If the
                              window IS the object to wait for then both field 3 and 4
                              will be the same.

                              Note this command only works on objects that have a true
                              Window handle (HWND) AND meet the API criteria:

                                  The process is the foreground process.
                                  The process was started by the foreground process.
                                  The process received the last input event.
                                  There is no foreground process.
                                  The foreground process is being debugged.
                                  The foreground is not locked.
                                  The foreground lock time-out has expired.
                                  Windows 2000: No menus are active.

                         This command also supports:

                              CW - Command Warning OK (Expected Warning)
                              CF - Command Failure OK (Expected Failure)

      SetContext          3 - The WINDOW ID of the object to receive context.  Use the name
                              given the window in the Application map.
                          4 - The COMPONENT ID of the object to receive context.  Use the
                              name given the component in the application map.  If the
                              window IS the object to wait for then both field 3 and 4
                              will be the same.

                          Note, this does not necessarily SetFocus on the object.  This
                          sets an object of reference for future Robot commands.  This may
                          generate an ignored Script Command Failure if the object is not
                          valid or visible.

                          This command is not necessary for the normal operation of the DDE
                          and the processing of Test records.  The DDE will automatically
                          generate numerous SetContext commands during the normal processing
                          of Test records.  This command is for other extraordinary cases not
                          covered by normal Test record processing.

     ClearClipboard         - Clears the contents of the Windows Clipboard.

     ClearAllVariables      - Clears all stored DDVariables.

      SaveClipboardToFile     3 - The file to save the clipboard contents to.
                                  This can be a full path, a relative path, or a file name.
                                  For relative path, it is appended to the project's path to
                                  build the full path of the file. For file name, the file
                                  is saved under the project's Datapool\Test directory. In
                                  any case the parent folder of the file must exist.

                              This command can only save text contents of the clipboard to a
                              text file. The length of the clipboard text should not exceed
                              32,767 characters. This is due to the inherent length limit of
                              SQABasic's String data type.

      GetSystemDate       - Assigns the string value of the system date to a DDVariable.

      FLD     CONTENT
      ---     ------------------------------
       3      The name of the Variable to receive the value.  GetTrimmedQuotedField
              will be used to extract the name of the variable.
              The format of the date is MM-DD-YYYY.

              Note, if you supply the name of the variable and include the leading
              caret (^) symbol then the variable must be enclosed in quotes.
              Otherwise, that variable will be used like any other variable and the
              substituted value of that variable will be interpretted as the name
              of the variable you wish to use.


          Assigns system date to DDVariable ^SystemDate:
              C, GetSystemDate, SystemDate

          Assigns system date to DDVariable ^SystemDate:
              C, GetSystemDate, "SystemDate"

          Assigns system date to DDVariable ^SystemDate:
              C, GetSystemDate, "^SystemDate"

          Assigns system date to DDVariable ^TodaysDate:
              C, SetVariableValues, ^SystemDate="TodaysDate"
              C, GetSystemDate, ^SystemDate

      GetDeltaDate -- Calculates a deltadate string based on the source date +/- the delta number of days.

      FLD     CONTENT
      ---     ------------------------------
       3      sourceString -- string date to add or substract delta days from.
       4      deltaString -- positive or negative number indicating the number of delta days.
       5      result -- variable name to receive calculated delta date string.

      GetSystemTime       - Assigns the string value of the current system time to a DDVariable.

      FLD     CONTENT
      ---     ------------------------------
       3      The name of the Variable to receive the value.  GetTrimmedQuotedField
              will be used to extract the name of the variable.
              The format of the date is HH:MM:SS in military (24 hour) time.

              Note, if you supply the name of the variable and include the leading
              caret (^) symbol then the variable must be enclosed in quotes.
              Otherwise, that variable will be used like any other variable and the
              substituted value of that variable will be interpretted as the name
              of the variable you wish to use.


          Assigns system time to DDVariable ^SystemTime:
              C, GetSystemTime, SystemTime

          Assigns system time to DDVariable ^SystemTime:
              C, GetSystemTime, "SystemTime"

          Assigns system time to DDVariable ^SystemTime:
              C, GetSystemTime, "^SystemTime"

          Assigns system date to DDVariable ^CurrentTime:
              C, SetVariableValues, ^SystemTime="CurrentTime"
              C, GetSystemTime, ^SystemTime

      GetSystemDateTime  - Assigns the string value of the system date and time to a DDVariable.

      FLD     CONTENT
      ---     ------------------------------
       3      The name of the Variable to receive the value.  GetTrimmedQuotedField
              will be used to extract the name of the variable.
              The format of the datetime is MM-DD-YYYY HH:MM:SS (24 hour military).

              Note, if you supply the name of the variable and include the leading
              caret (^) symbol then the variable must be enclosed in quotes.
              Otherwise, that variable will be used like any other variable and the
              substituted value of that variable will be interpretted as the name
              of the variable you wish to use.


          Assigns system datetime to DDVariable ^SystemDate:
              C, GetSystemDateTime, SystemDate

          Assigns system datetime to DDVariable ^SystemDate:
              C, GetSystemDateTime, "SystemDate"

          Assigns system datetime to DDVariable ^SystemDate:
              C, GetSystemDateTime, "^SystemDate"

          Assigns system datetime to DDVariable ^TodaysDate:
              C, SetVariableValues, ^SystemDate="TodaysDate"
              C, GetSystemDateTime, ^SystemDate

      FilterTextFile          3 - The file to be filtered.
                                  This can be a full path, a relative path, or a file name.
                                  For relative path, it is appended to the project's path to
                                  build the full path of the file. For file name, the file
                                  is saved under the project's Datapool\Test directory. In
                                  any case the parent folder of the file must exist.

                              [4] -   Filter mode.
                                      Must be one of the valid string values. See table below.
                                      If omitted, it is set to DEFAULT.

                              [5-N] - Additional filter options.
                                      Some filter modes may require one or more filter options.

                              This command can be used to process a text file based on the
                              provided parameters, such as replacing text in a file that
                              matches a specific pattern. This command is experimental.
                              command name/parameters are subject to change without notice.
                              The following table lists all supported filter modes and the
                              corresponding filter options:

          MODE        OPTIONS                 COMMENTS
          Default     None                    Default filtering. File is unchanged.

          RegExp      1 - PATTERN (Required)  Replaces all occurences of text in a file that
                      2 - REPLACE (Optional)  match regular expression PATTERN with a new
                      3 - CASE (Optional)     string REPLACE. PATTERN is required and must
                                              not be empty. Default value for REPLACE is "",
                                              i.e. to remove matching text from the file.
                                              Case specifies the case-sensitivity when
                                              searching for matching text in the file. Use
                                              CaseInsensitive to ignore case when searching.
                                              Default is CaseSensitive.

      This DDEDriver Command routine is not intended for public use.
      Internal functionality and declaration prototypes
      are subject to change as deemed necessary to support the core drivers.


      AUGUIInfo       from the calling Driver
      AUStatusInfo    from the calling Driver


      Normally DDU_NO_SCRIPT_FAILURE unless something unforeseen causes the
      routine to exit prematurely.



 Orig Author: Carl Nagle
 Orig   Date: APR 19, 2001

      APR 19, 2001    Original Release
      JUN 11, 2001    (Carl Nagle) Added Flow Control Commands
      JUN 20, 2001    (Carl Nagle) Added Driver Commands SetFocus,
      OCT 01, 2001    (Carl Nagle) Enabling DEBUG MODE and EXPRESSION commands.
      OCT 17, 2001    (YUESONG WANG) Added CaseInsensitive to OnEqualGotoBlockID
      JAN 25, 2002    (DAWN COEN) Added Driver Command GetSystemDate (SDGET_SYSTEM_DATE case)
      JAN 29, 2002    (Carl Nagle) Added DriverCommands GetSystemTime, GetSystemDateTime
      FEB 04, 2002    (Carl Nagle) Added CustomDriverCommands
      APR 26, 2002    (JCRUNK) Added Driver Command OnNotEqualGotoBlockID
      JUN 18, 2002    (Carl Nagle) Fixed OnNotEqualGotoBlockID log text.
      OCT 11, 2002    (YWANG) Added Get\SetVariableValueEX commands.
      OCT 18, 2002    (Carl Nagle) Added Expected Failure support.
      FEB 04, 2003    (Carl Nagle) Fixed? WaitForWebPage :)
      MAY 13, 2003    (RDANT) Added Support for Driver File Command Library
      AUG 21, 2003    (Carl Nagle) Added SetBench..., SetTest..., SetDif...,
                               and SetRoot... commands
      AUG 28, 2003    (Carl Nagle) Enabled EXPLICIT use of RobotJ Driver Command processing
      NOV 14, 2003    (Carl Nagle) Enabled IMPLICIT use of RobotJ Driver Command processing
      DEC 15, 2003    (Carl Nagle) Refactored for use of SAFSUtilities
      SEP 08, 2004    (Carl Nagle) Do NOT send SetVariableValues to other engines.
      DEC 15, 2004    (Carl Nagle) ClearAllVariables added.
      JAN 18, 2005    (Bob Lawler) Added window handler conversion to Long (if necessary) in DDU_SET_FOCUS (RJL)
      APR 26, 2005    (Carl Nagle) Added DDDriverStringCommands
      DEC 20, 2005    (Carl Nagle) Added GetDeltaDate
      DEC 22, 2006    (Carl Nagle) Added UseSAFSFunctions command
      APR 13, 2007    (Carl Nagle) Added UseSeleniumFunctions command

Copyright (C) SAS Institute
GNU General Public License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php 